What makes RVP a trending online psychic reading and energy work platform? Simple. My name is Demetri Welsh and I've been giving professional readings for over 20 years being online for almost half of those years. With thousands of clients worldwide I have been a trusted reader for those who really want accurate results.
Demetri Welsh, CEO RVP Platform. Natural born psychic professional known for honesty, integrity, accuracy and genuine psychic readings. With over twenty years of hands on daily experience, you can trust the connections to be not only accurate and detailed, but also a truly enlightening experience that will benefit you in every way. Clients range from secret services, private parties, directors, producers, artists, celebrities, lawyers, judges, law enforcement, scientists, engineers and everybody in between. Accepting new clients. LGBTQ friendly. USA based. Highly accurate. Confidential.
When it comes to sessions, you can always count on receiving detailed reports with each session. Public feedback is available by visiting the Reviews page. Sessions are completed within five days of the time you place the order. Rushed sessions are available to be completed within only 24 hours by visiting the rushed page here.
Altogether, you can expect accurate, powerful and detailed sessions every single time guaranteed or your money back.
Offering psychic readings, remote energy work, affiliate program, loyalty rewards, rushed emergency readings, interesting blog posts and more!